CourseKata for High School

Challenging Subjects Made Accessible

Accessible to all students, our curriculum serves a variety of math pathways and offers foundational learning of statistics and data science.  It can replace a 4th-year statistics course, be the basis for a two-year data science pathway, or provide a dual-enrollment college-level course.

We take a complex topic and turn it into a comprehensive, accessible textbook. You can have students who are concurrently taking AP Calculus with students who have struggled with math all find success using CourseKata Statistics & Data Science.

Interactive Textbooks

CourseKata’s textbooks engage students in deep thinking

The textbooks provide a coherent introduction to the core concepts and skills fundamental to modern statistics and data science. Students can work in the books for homework in a flipped classroom model, or use them as a supplement to CourseKata’s in-class lessons.

In-Class Materials

A variety of resources to support in-class implementation

Students work through the online textbook for homework while discussing key concepts and conducting data analysis during class time with instructors. Supporting materials — formative assessments, Jupyter notebooks with data-analysis projects, and even example syllabi — are available and easily integrated.

Adopting CourseKata

How Do I Get Started with CourseKata?

As a growing and inclusive community, we offer extensive professional development before the course begins and then easily accessible support throughout the year. Our daily virtual “office hours” for teachers provide opportunities to network and get questions answered by experts to make teaching the course as seamless as possible.

[blue]This is an incredible curriculum, community, and set of resources[/blue], with options for all levels, for anyone who teaches intro stats and wants to teach students how to work with real data using a language like R. As someone who has been teaching with both their high school and college-level intro materials for the last two-and-a-half years, I can't recommend CourseKata enough!

Hudson Harper
Assistant Head of School
The Downtown School, Seattle, WA
CourseKata in High School

Where is CourseKata Statistics & Data Science being taught now?

Here is a sample of our many partners.






Washington D.C.










New Hampshire

New Jersey

New York

North Carolina




Rhode Island



Have Questions?

Reach out to learn more about using CourseKata in your classroom.