CourseKata for High School

CourseKata and High School Math Pathways

Accessible to all students, our curriculum serves a variety of math pathways and offers foundational learning of statistics and data science. It can replace a 4th-year statistics course, be the basis for a two-year data science pathway, or provide a dual-enrollment college-level course.

CourseKata in Action

Learn about how San Diego Unified School District redesigned their middle school and high school pathways and incorporated CourseKata.

CourseKata and the Common Core State Standards

CourseKata Statistics & Data Science aligns with the Common Core Math Statistics and Probability State Standards. Examine our mapping and standards alignment.

For individual states and how they align with our content, explore the links below.

Math Pathways
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Algebra I or IM1 Geometry or IM2 Algebra II or IM3 CourseKata Advanced Stats & DS I (ABC)
Algebra I or IM1 Geometry or IM2 CourseKata Stats & DS I (AB) Algebra II or IM3 or AP Stats, AP Computer Sci
Algebra I or IM1 Geometry or IM2 CourseKata Stats & DS I (AB) CourseKata Stats & DS II (XCD)
Geometry or IM2 Algebra II or IM3 AP Stats CourseKata Stats & DS II (XCD or ABCD)

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Gain access to a library of resources, such as syllabi and in-class materials shared by other educators, that will help you imagine what it’s like to use CourseKata in your classroom.

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