CourseKata News & Announcements

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CourseKata News

From Analyzing Homelessness Statistics to Collecting Data in the Community

Cal State LA students using CourseKata's platform explored homelessness data and joined the 2024 Los Angeles Homeless Count.

Materials Update

What's New in Version 5.0

CourseKata's Version 5.0 includes an accelerated textbook, re-written Chapters 7 and 8, and new chapters on interaction models.

Materials Update

CourseKata Books (Version 5.0 update)

CourseKata offers six interactive textbooks for stats and data science, with content codes to help educators choose based on students' needs.

Materials Update

Introducing CourseKata Books

CourseKata offers five interactive textbooks for stats and data science, with content codes to help educators select based on students' needs.
