Invitation to Teaching Improvement Group (TIG)
CourseKata invites educators to join the Teaching Improvement Group for monthly Zoom meetings to refine curriculum materials.
Join a group of dedicated instructors working together on continuous improvement!
At CourseKata, we are dedicated to refining our curriculum through input from researchers, developers, and educators like you.
The aim of the Teaching Improvement Group (TIG) is to create a space where committed teachers like yourself can join together and participate in continuous improvement of curricula. Our group will meet monthly via Zoom (beginning in August) and engage in discussion and activities to develop and test materials. Furthermore, thanks to some generous funders, stipends can be awarded to participating high school teachers!
Here are a few participation requirements:
- Regular Attendance: We will be meeting once a month (via Zoom, for one hour) starting in August 2024 until May 2025. To commit to a TIG means that you can attend at least 8 out of the 10 meetings (we will also record each meeting for the few you cannot attend). We will have two meeting schedules to choose from. Please let us know which one works best for you by completing the RSVP form:
- 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4pm PT
- 2nd Thursday of the month at 3pm PT
- Implement New Materials From TIG: Each month, we may co-develop new activities or assessments to test out in the classroom. Try them out in the next month (if your schedule permits) and report how it went, at the next meeting.
- Complete a Class Log: We’d love to know more about the materials you use in your day-to-day classes. TIG members are invited to fill out a Class Log (taking less than 30 minutes per week) listing which materials you used with your students (either provided by the CourseKata community or self-made), as well as any notes about implementation (e.g., "worked well for X purpose but needs Y improvement").
- Complete Regular Surveys: Members may be invited to periodically complete brief surveys (less than 10 minutes per month) aimed at enhancing our understanding of your implementation and classroom experiences.
Compensation Details:
Although your contributions to TIGs are truly invaluable (we aren’t just saying that! we mean it!), we want to offer a modest compensation for your efforts:
- Stipend: Members will receive a $250 monthly stipend for meeting and engaging in the participation requirements during the 10-month period ($2,500, paid in two installments: $1,250 in January 2025, and $1,250 in June 2025).
- Recognition: Members will receive a letter of appreciation and a certificate that can be included in a resume or LinkedIn profile. If you are interested, we would love to feature your teaching efforts in various channels (e.g., blogs, publications, etc).
- Opportunities to Present: Additionally, if you are interested in presenting any of this work at teaching conferences, as funding is available, we would love to support your efforts.
We hope you will join us in the process of improving the learning (and the teaching!) experience! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Interested? RSVP by June 30, 2024.